We have definitely found a new way to incorporate technology into learning and teaching. Some new strategies that we can utilize are using wiki for group assignments, we can use use twitter to advertise a program, and we can create a site that will allow for immediate communication between the teacher and the student.
The web is now a tool for our youth to feel comfortable to learn and to enhance their participation. These two key strategies have proven to be effective by research from Universities, and have proven to instructors that the "new generation of students" is using these types of materials daily. I haven't seen much research on the average number of hours a student utilizes the web daily, but i bet that they are on the web for more hours then they are in the classroom. So, if we can accommodate some students to being productive on the web, then we are beginning to reach out to the various intelligences of students. By reaching out to our students needs we are meeting standards and are teaching students to gain more knowledge.

Robert Blanken
1/30/2013 02:55:53 pm

Professional networking has many strategies that are technology based. One strategy you mentioned is to "create a site". Each of us in this class has been required to create their own personal website. Initially I thought this site wouldn't get much use. Whether or not others use it is one issue but I look forward to improving my site and increasing the quality of the content. You never know who might be looking for you to be a part of their professional team.

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