What do people say when they don't understand if something is working or not? They say "Prove it". Well, my initial thought of podcasting, and using your iphone to help you learn was a little blurr. But, now i see how effective they can be to learning because of the "Proof". Universities and colleges have conducted proper research to prove that by using technology, such as podcasting, youtube, and the web will result in a benefit to learning material, and being able to make it lifelong learning. The key note is that students are communicating in a form that makes it easier, safer, and consistent. When students gain self-confidence in their form of communication; this allows for the teacher- student interaction to be present, which is one of the ways that students are shown to learn material. Teacher to student interaction will allow the student to feel comfortable to ask a question and it will also allow the teacher to assess the progress of learning for the students.

"Always On"


I feel that our web browsing, our internet, will soon become the primary source of learning. I think that it will be the most positive way of becoming a better student. The web allows for students to learn, see, and hear different resources. Resources are the most effective way of learning material from various individuals that are qualified. So, I feel that when we begin to use the net appropriately
I have used social networks as a source for students to interact. When students get involved with networking outside of the classroom, this has proven to be effective. Students in this new generation have found a new form of gaining self-confidence, and communicating with each other. It has proven to be a benefit because our new generation has grown to become accustomed to this way of working. I don't think that this is to effective because it takes away from the real-life interaction. I think that students will get a better result of learning from real-life interaction. Interactions on the net have shown to get much more participation but has not proven to being a better form of learning.
My experience of allowing students to use social networks as a form of communication has shown me that students will participate more with using these networks, but has not proven to me to be a better source of learning because it just is not as effective and does not allow more immediate feedback.

Facebook Fan Page








This is my lil Champ.




I attached a link to my PLN if interested.

I  chose to begin a pearltree account. This PLN seemed a little less open and cared a little more about my interests and needs with still making it simple and private. I chose to follow these certain accounts because they are actively involved in my search engines as of today. I have sites that will be useful for immediate findings of information that I can immediately put to use in my everyday life.
It's a benefit for the world to find a creative way to communicate, sale, advertise and create a reputation.
The internet has become a primary source for finding appropriate resources for my teaching, coaching, and knowledge on certain subjects. The web is quick, easy and consistent with its findings of information. It has shown and proven that we the people, can find a trust value for the internet. The trust value can come from special screening of material to prevent false information, the ability to screen resources themselves,  and to assure correct information is being passed by the correct people.
I regularly visit google sites. Google because of its privacy, its proven consistency of passing information and my ability to easily understand its function. I don't have a particular site or author that I follow because it's tough to trust something for so long because the web is being updated often. These updates allow for better speeds, capabilities and sharing with your current web browser configurations. I have been visiting www.pecentral.org for about 6 years now. The site gives awesome insight on appropriate physical education lessons, plans, activities, and creative ideas on learning and playing.
The internet helps me learn when I browse through search engines, and when it acts as a classroom for me. The internet can be distracting when public stories are inflated through social media companies.
I think the internet can/should be allowed to give a professional degree. Maybe it does already!
 This is a little skeptical, but I really think that someone can gain good knowledge on the web. Technology is definitely a tool for learning. This tool has no boundaries, the participation is always high, and the information is fairly consistent. I would recommend the web for many different features to students and professionals.

" Tell them what you want them to do, not what you don't." - Mando Contreras
I was really intrigued with the video. I am a believer of positive, I believe in strength playing, I believe in playing with your strengths because they will eventually condense the weakness. I know that we have to manage our weakness through approval and recognition of our weakness, but how fun would it be if a person can only focus on what makes them successful and productive.
I can say that "work" is a sweet spot right now. I walk into the workplace feeling as if I am stepping into a family home. It has become natural to me to conduct effect work at my workplace. It's a benefit to feel proud when I finish deadlines without any problems or head pounding procedures, or when I motivate a student by just carrying a conversation with them, and to assist colleagues in working towards a College Mission Statement to the people.
I reward the inventors of this program. They have included their efforts to effect the reputation of professional businesses, high-end universities, and people. I believe that technology and microblogging has mostly effected schools; its now a tool to assist with recruiting people to come to your school, marketing programs or sponsors, and communicating in a modern form.
I believe that microblogging is a positive attribute to have and should be  adopted by many professional people. The ability to communicate in such a manner permits people to attain technological benefits, allows people to understand situations better by communicating effectively, and allows understanding of new ways to communication.
 I do think that it has much more of an impact to Athletics because of its recreational feel and openness.